Advance your research with the Sunny Digital Lab Book

Bring your research to the next level by planning and structuring your experiments digitally. Track your scientific progress with visual comparisons and share your protocols and results easily with your collaborators.

The Sunny Digital Lab Book allows you to organise and connect your protocols, experimental procedures and research projects. Keep track of the progress your experiments as well as reagents and equipment to plan your lab days ahead and use your time more efficiently.

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Sunny Digital Lab Book

Plan and structure your experiments to keep track of your scientific progress

12.99 EUR

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What is the Sunny Digital Lab Book?

The Sunny Digital Lab Book is a template to use with the project management tool Notion. With this template, you will be able to save and modify your protocols, track experimental progress and scientific tasks. Connecting your research results to your project helps you have a clear vision of your project, focus on your research goals and plan your publications in advance.

In this template, you can follow your lab and experimental To Do’s, track the status of your used reagents and equipment and make sure you’re using the same protocol over and over again. To each experiment, you can include as much information as you want, adding media files, images, tables, research paper or visual comparisons.

Add unlimited sub-tasks, experimental replicates and To Do’s to each experiment and tick off what you finished. Tracking your progress helps you stay focused and remember each of the many experimental steps.

With the Sunny Digital Lab Book you will save time and keep a better overview of all your ongoing experiments making your research more efficient and productive.

What will you get with the Sunny Digital Lab Book?

The Sunny Digital Lab Book consists of an extensive dashboard with:

  • an overview of all ongoing experiments, connected to their protocols, reagents and the needed equipment and an unlimited number of tags
  • a calendar, table and list overview of all tasks and their progresses
  • templates to follow and save your experimental protocols and modify and tick off any step of the process
  • an experimental results overview grouped by research project, date, tags or protocol
  • an overview of the status of your used reagents, equipment and ongoing research projects
  • a detailed instruction page to get started with the project management software Notion and to set up your Sunny Digital Lab Book

You will also get automatic notifications when I upgrade the template, so you will always have an updated version available.

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Sunny Digital Lab Book

Plan and structure your experiments to keep track of your scientific progress

12.99 EUR

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