Organise your scientific knowledge with the Sunny Digital Publication Library

Keeping a good overview of the ongoing research in your field is not always easy. When it comes to taking notes on a study or adding your own ideas and outstanding questions to a publication often result in a digital or paper chaos.

With the Sunny Digital Publication Library, you will be able to organise research papers and link them to your own notes, ideas and thoughts.

Cross-references between papers and to the publishing journals will help you categorise the publications and keep track of the progress of your field.

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Sunny Digital Publication Library

Organise your scientific knowledge with an efficient publication library containing logical cross-references and topical overviews. Add your own notes, summaries and publication details to stay on top of your research field.

8.99 EUR

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What is the Sunny Digital Publication Library?

The Sunny Digital Publication Library is a template to use with the project management tool Notion. With this template, you will be able to collect papers and organise your paper library logically and connect them to your own notes, ideas and research projects.

In this template, you can cross-reference and link research papers to each others to logically connect studies and topics. To each paper, you can add as much detail as you want to keep all the necessary information together.

The publications in your library are also connected to the journals in which the papers were published. This overview will help you better understand the focus of each journal and who to contact for editorial advice.

With the Sunny Digital Publication Library you will gain a coherent overview of the research in your field and can logically organise your thoughts and notes about current publications.

What will you get with the Sunny Digital Publication Library?

The Sunny Digital Publication Library consists of an extensive dashboard with:

  • an overview of all publications in your library sorted by year, topic and journal
  • the possibility to add details to each publication, like: authors, editors, PDF files, personal summaries and evaluation, links, published journal, personal notes
  • cross-references between publications for better topical overviews
  • a list of unread papers and currently-being-read papers
  • a detailed instruction page to get started with the project management software Notion and to set up your Sunny Digital Publication Library

You will also get automatic notifications when I upgrade the template, so you will have always an updated version available.

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Sunny Digital Publication Library

8.99 EUR

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