Coordinate your research funding with the Sunny Grant Application Tracker

Bring your grant writing to the next level by organising, brainstorming and writing your research proposals in one digital workspace. Track your writing progress and create new project ideas from previous proposals.

The Sunny Grant Application Tracker helps you organise and follow relevant grant calls, funding agencies, collaborators and research proposals. Keep track of the progress of your applications to make the most of funding opportunities, your collaborator’s expertise and ideas for research projects.

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Sunny Grant Application Tracker

Track the progress of your grant applications and stay on top of research projects, collaborators and funding agencies!

7.99 EUR

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What is the Sunny Grant Application Tracker?

The Sunny Grant Application Tracker is a template to use with the project management tool Notion. With this template, you will be able to collect grant calls and their necessary information, save details about your collaborators and funding agencies and write your research proposals.

Within a distraction-free workspace, you have all information at hand, helping you efficiently write your research proposals or recycle previous proposals elaborating on new ideas. To each proposal, you can include as much information as needed, adding media files, images, tables, citations or visuals.

Sharing your proposals with your collaborators and allowing them to directly comment on the content optimises the feedback process making sure the application is of the highest possible quality. As you are tracking the application progress, you can better plan your funding opportunities, while having a clear vision of your research and focussing on your goals.

With the Sunny Grant Application Tracker, you will stay on top of funding opportunities advancing your research projects and your lab.

What do you get with the Sunny Grant Application Tracker?

The Sunny Grant Application Tracker consists of an extensive dashboard with:

  • an overview of ongoing grant applications, funding agencies of interest, collaborators and research proposals
  • a distraction-free workspace to write and polish your proposals
  • a decision-making hub sorting calls according to scope, finances and collaborators
  • an archive of written proposals to elaborate on previous project ideas
  • a reminder-like overview helping you remember when the next steps are due
  • a detailed instruction page to get started with the project management software Notion and to set up your Sunny Research Position Application Tracker

You will also get automatic notifications when I upgrade the template, so you will always have an updated version available.

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Sunny Grant Application Tracker

Track the progress of your grant applications and stay on top of research projects, collaborators and funding agencies!

7.99 EUR

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