Relax your mind to become the best version of yourself

We created the meditation medley so you can focus on what is most import: finding your inner strength, motivation and passion. Only if you’re clear about these topics, you can be the best version of yourself and work on your research projects without any mental distraction or blockages.

Mindfulness meditation is a great way to connect to your inner thoughts and your inner self. It also helps letting go of all this mental clutter that might keep you occupied and hold you back from being creative and mentally free.

Are you ready to calm your mind and improve your life?

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Meditation medley

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What is the meditation medley?

The meditation medley is part of Sunny Scientist, a blog for scientists who want to improve their lives and make their lab days sunnier and brighter. Since academic life can be quite challenging and nerve-wrecking, it’s incredibly important to understand the value that academia has for you. And connecting to your passion, core value and emotional stability will help you become mentally calmer, more relaxed and resilient.

And these characteristics will make a real difference to you as a researcher, since it will be easier for you to see the bright side of things, to become more confident about yourself and to better focus on what is important. Our meditation medley will help you reflect on your connection to academia but also let go of the thoughts that might hinder you in your daily lab life. A true mindfulness practice to become the best researcher you can be.

What does the meditation medley look like?

Within the next three weeks, you will receive links to three meditation recordings that will focus on specific topics like identifying your core values, being emotionally intelligent and strengthening your resilience. Each recording is accompanied by a blog post on the Sunny Scientist blog, which will help you reflect more on each of these topics.

All meditation practices are recorded by Ana, our collaborating Master Coach Specialist for Wellbeing Practises. She will guide you through all meditations helping your mind relax and let go of disturbing thoughts.

Try mindfulness meditation now to connect to your inner self, declutter your brain and be as calm and mentally free as possible.

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Meditation medley

7.99 EUR

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