Advance your scientific career with the Sunny Research Position Application Tracker

Bring your career to the next level by planning and organising your applications for research positions digitally. Track your application progress, conversations with supervisors and research proposals to effectively strategise your next career move.

The Sunny Research Position Application Tracker allows you to organise and connect your desired application calls, proposals, supervisors and locations you consider to live. Rate your experience with your new boss, the new city and the project proposal to help you decide which opportunity to go for.

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Sunny Research Position Application Tracker

Track and write your research proposals in a well-organised and sunny workspace and focus on what really matters.

4.99 EUR

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What is the Sunny Research Position Application Tracker?

The Sunny Research Position Application Tracker is a template to use with the project management tool Notion. With this template, you will be able to save, write and archive your proposals for job applications within the scientific research field. Following the progress and deadlines of your applications gives you a clear vision of your next career step, research projects and funding opportunities.

In this template, you can track the status of your applications, write your application proposals, rate the project, supervisor and locations. By archiving your application documents, you can re-purpose previous proposals and motivation statements to ensure your application is always best fitted for the job call. To each application proposal, you can include as much information as you want, images, tables, research papers or visuals.

Add interesting calls for research positions to your database, archive them or track their complete progress until submission. Following their progresses helps you stay focused and makes sure you apply for each position you’re eligible for.

With the Sunny Research Position Application Tracker, you will save time and efficiently organise all your ongoing applications making your career is well-planned and truly moving forward.

What will you get with the Sunny Job Application Tracker?

The Sunny Research Position Application Tracker consists of an extensive dashboard with:

  • an overview of considered and ongoing applications, connected to potential supervisors and locations
  • a workflow for decision-making based on your ratings by project, finances, supervisor and location
  • a rating-system based on your own liking; add as many rating options as you need to make the best decision for yourself
  • a distraction-free workspace to write and refine your application proposal
  • an archive of previous proposals and application calls
  • a detailed instruction page to get started with the project management software Notion and to set up your Sunny Research Position Application Tracker

You will also get automatic notifications when I upgrade the template, so you will always have an updated version available.

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Sunny Research Position Application Tracker

Track and write your research proposals in a well-organised and sunny workspace and focus on what really matters.

4.99 EUR

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